God's Voice Ministries

Hear, Obey, Serve

Our Tagline is Hear, Obey, Serve...

What it means to us.

We gather together as a body of believers to worship, praise, pray and read the word of God, so that we can discern our kingdom purpose as individuals and as a church.
Submitting to the will of God is an ongoing and collaborative process. As the body of Christ we strive to fulfill our kingdom purpose by obeying God’s commands, and to love one another as Christ loved us.
We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ. Having obtained our salvation by the redeeming work of Christ on the cross, we are called to reach out to the lost and broken people in our community, in Christ’s name, so that the gospel is preached by both word and deeds.

Outreach Ministry

We like to say outreach is in our DNA. Jesus did not just stay and teach in the synagogues, but he went out into the communities and served the people there. We are called to heed Jesus’ example and minister to those in need. Jesus said ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Clearly we are called to reach out in Jesus name to those in need around us. Our salvation is assured by what Jesus did for us, our debt is paid, and in gratitude we reach out to those around us in both word and deed, to spread the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ. God’s Voice Ministries has committed to using a large portion of our tithes and offerings for outreach directly from our church body and to support ministries in our communities that are doing the Lord’s work, and need encouragement and resources to continue their good work. These include Lockport CARES Homeless Shelter, Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center, and other ministries that the church determines are doing God’s work and need support to continue the great work they are doing. 

Letter from Pastor Terry:

        At God’s Voice Ministries we have a heart for outreach into our community and consider this an acceptable form of worship in God’s eyes. Worship can be the offering of our time and talents in the service of others. We all come from different faith backgrounds, and have joined together into a church family that has grown very close to one another. We value fellowship and relationship, and feel that “being church” is more important that “going to church”. We recognize that the church, the body of Christ, is the people and not a building. We feel that this relationship extends beyond meeting once a week, and we keep in contact constantly supporting and encouraging one another. We attend bible studies together, we pray for each other, and we pitch in to help each other where and when we can. We model ourselves on the church described in the Book of Acts, where believers met together regularly “they broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts” (Acts 2:46) If you feel that church should be different I encourage you to attend a worship service at God’s Voice Ministries.

Pastor Terry Bryant

Our Mission Statmement
To equip the body of Christ to seek and save the lost and fulfill the great commission by creating opportunities to share the Gospel by both word and deed with those that may not attend a traditional Church.

Our messages are shared by many church members along with the Pastor, and we encourage active participation in our services to encourage learning and understanding to those in attendance.

Our services are held on Friday nights at 7:00 pm at 266 Pine Street in Lockport New York or Sunday mornings at 11:00 am at 469 E State Street in Albion New York. They generally last about an hour where we then break bread with each other and have fellowship…We have a casual and relaxed environment and encourage everyone to come as you are. We use contemporary Christian music for our praise, and encourage all to sing regardless of your ability. Our God requests a “joyful noise” and is looking for sincere and open hearts and not just polished voices.

We also practice an open communion, and only require a confessed faith in Jesus Christ to partake in this portion of our service. This is done in a right and worthy manner as described in 1 Corinthians 11:27-29 and is conducted with a sense of reverence for the sacrifice our Lord Jesus made for each and every one of us.

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